Pour radio d'État, consuls, ambassadeurs,
diplomates, chefs d'États et chefs de Gouvernements
The "manoeuvre" Standard III began as
a two-hour uninterrupted nationwide
broadcast on Radio-Canada on April 11, 2004 (Easter).
The program featured 198
30-second periods of radio silence punctuated by
an alphabetical listing of
every country in the world. The same phrase introduced
each silence: "Thirty
seconds of silence for domestic and foreign political
victims..." This
broadcast was recorded live off the airwaves and
remixed for publication on CD
along with a text that considers the effects of
administrative regulation and
state control on mass media. Beginning in October
2004, copies of the publication
will be sent through diplomatic channels to each
country of the world. On the
occasion of each country's national celebration,
its head of state will be
contacted to verify the receipt and subsequent
response to the CD. This
will be recorded on the websites of Fado Performance
Inc. |